
Çamlı Çiftliği Rumen Regulator!

Çamlı Çiftliği Rumen Regulator!

As being an agriculturalist; Çamlı, the Agricultural, Husbandry and Fishery Group of Yaşar Holding, is preparing to release a new product..

Çamlı Çiftliği Rumen Regulator provides stability for Rumen PH. It is such a combination that is mostly suitable for resolution of the problems about acid- alkali instability and it avoids acidosis formation with its’ appetizing taste. Except the antenatal 3 weeks, it can be given to fattening calf and dairy cattle. It includes buffer combination and provides required aroma and taste in order to appetize.

Çamlı, which takes customer satisfaction as principle without compromising from its quality, makes feed production with Yaşar Holding assurance.

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