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7 Reasons For Milk Consumption!

1. It provides bone development... 

Milk is a resource- rich nutrient to consume which is also one of the most important nutrients for the health of children and adults. It is especially important for bone development of the children who are in their adolescence periods and provides them to gain the habit of healthy nutrition and improve their physical and mental development processes. 

2. It protects cardiovascular health... 

Milk has protein, calcium, vitamin B, mineral and oil in its’ content. Besides its’ positive effects in hypertension treatment, it is also beneficial for decreasing the negative effects of medicines. It balances blood pressure and protects people from cardiac diseases. Daily milk consumption is being suggested. 

3. It avoids dermatological diseases... 

It provides rejuvenescence. Thus, the wounds in our bodies heal faster and the cells are repaired and strengthened. Proteins, vitamin A and zinc in its’ content, avoid skin aging. 

4. It provides needed energy for the brain... 

Nutrients are significant on the memory, intelligence and concentration strength of people. Milk is required to provide energy for the brain. It helps body tissue to improve with the high protein that it involves, strengthens the concentration ability and memory. 

5. It helps to lose weight... 

Milk consumption is one of the best solutions to avoid weight gains which extreme stress, surplus carbonyhdrate consumption, inadequate protein and calcium intake, menopausal and such circumstances cause. Milk helps to lose weight. According to the researches; milk consumption should be twice a day. It helps weight control with quality protein, lioneic acid and such oil molecules. 

6. It avoids intestinal cancer... 

Calcium, demolishes extra acids which cause intestinal cancer and it provides digestive system to operate healthily. Additionally, the acidophilic bacteria in milk, is protective against intestinal cancer. It should be consumed two times a day. 

7. It protects against osteoporosis...

Osteoporosis is known as bone loss colloquially and it is characterized with decreases in bone density. Milk is a good source of calcium, phosphor and Vitamin D and avoids this disease. Following the fifty ages of people; some problems will possibly arise. The solution for avoiding decreases in bone density is to take calcium and Vitamin D. Milk is required to consume two or three times a day for sufficient calcium intake.  

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