Which Conditions Are Required To Be Implemented For Sustainable Aquaculture?
In order to provide sustainability for an aquaculture operation;
- Tendency for the usage of herbal feeds which are obtained from sustainable agriculture,
- Inusitation of fish feeds or fish oil- origin feeds and nonproduction of losses in fish protein blocks,
- Inusitation of fry and larva from natural stocks,
- Systems of breeding only the endemic types in high seas and usage of closed nets, closed wall sea pools or such similar systems,
- Avoidance of waste disposal in order not to expose to damaging environment effects which are possible to occur somewhere around,
- Nonproduction of negative effects or risks on local natural life,
- Inusitation of genetically modified fish or feed,
- Usage of the systems which maximize occurrance and dissemination of the illnesses.
- Nonconsumption of local drinking water, vegetation and such sources.
- Inexistence of health- threatening activities,
- Support of the local community for long- term economical and social welfare
circumstances have to be taken into consideration.
Various items that are being mentioned above should be actualized simultaneously for an acceptable sustainability in real terms.