
Alternation of Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy and The Solar Approach

Alternation of Fossil Fuels to Renewable Energy and The Solar Approach

We are in such a period that the harms of fossil fuel types such as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear are known, adopted and accepted by everyone. Therefore, all of us are the witnesses to alternation of fossil fuels to renewable energy... (solar, wind, geothermal, hydraulic, biomass, ocean energy, hydrogen, storage) Although all of these alternations are perceived as social economical changes, they are harmful for the environment in reality. 

The usage of renewable energy is required for increasing the life quality of ours. It is going to have environmental and economical benefits in terms of global warming. At this point, the first cost investments should assume as the most important heritages for the next generations. 

The Renewable Energy Approach In The World

In today’s world,while the requirement for renewable energy has been increasing for countries over time, the production and usage of fossil fuels are up to be terminated. 

80 percentage of the energy is fossil origin. Fossil fuels cause greenhouse gas segregation in atmosphere and this circumstance stimulates global warming. The solution should be to decrease the greenhouse gas level as it was in the past centuries. Therefore, the role of fossil fuels in energy production should be alternated to renewable energy. 

This alternation requires to take social responsibility for the government, private sector and people. 

Developments About Renewable Energy In The World

Outer Space Solar Power

The world avoids efficiency of the sunshine. If the sun could reach its’ source without revolving around it, efficiency wouldn’t be affected negatively. In fact, sunbeams can be conveyed more efficiently and uninterruptedly via a satellite which are going to be brought to somewhere out of the world atmosphere. Thus, the acquired energy will be sent without any loss. 

The Usage Of Solar Powered Drones And Planes For The Uninterrupted Communication Duty

This issue gives an opportunity to the usage of unlimited field usage. Developments are going to increasingly continue. 

Wind Turbine In The Atmosphere

There are various usage fields for energy; 

Algal Energy

There are various researches about algal electric production. The first investment cost is too expensive. Plenty of algae energy can be obtained from mosses. The algal species provide high degree of energy usage as being biomasses. 

The Energy Type Which Bases Human Power (Piezoelectric)

Piezo means “pressurizing” in Greek. There are many possibilities to product from these piezoelectric materials such as Quartz (SiO2), Tourmaline, Barium Titanate(BaTiO3), Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and PVDF (Poli- Vinidilin- Chloride). Its’ compacting material provides mechanical energy to alternate to electric energy via the pressurization method. 

The Renewable Energy Approach In Turkey

Turkey isn’ t in a sufficient position in terms of petrol, natural gas and nuclear energy technology. In fact, it can easily develop its’ solar, wind, geothermal and biomass sources. Because it uses hydroelectric energy more than other types. 

Turkey produces 80 percentage of its’ electric from fossil fuels and it is far from the alternation technology. 

It aims to supply 30 percentage of its’ electric from renewable sources in 2023. The external dependence in energy, requires nuclear energy production. 

Solar energy is essential for investment costs. In this regard, the environment sources should be underutilized in order to provide decrease in carbon dioxide emission. 

The Advantages of The Solar System


  • It increases the company valuation. 
  • Solar energy enables the autonomous usage and it can be involved into the interconnect sysyem. 
  • Feedbacks about investment costs are provided between 5- 7 years.
  • Risk analysis in investment costs get easier. 
  • It has low maintenance costs.
  • It isn’t affected from energy crisis. 
  • It has an opportunity of government promotion. 
  • The urban areas are evaluated. 

How Should The Corporate Approach Be For The Companies?

COMPETITION: The companies which decrease their energy inputs will be able to increase their competition possibilities in the upcoming period. 

ENERGY SALES: A brave attitude should be maintained about the common usage of the autonomous establishments with other sectors. 

ALTERATION: Establish an intercorporate energy policy. 

INVESTMENT: Use energy- saving products. 

NUTRIENT: Infuse consumption of the efficient and sustainable nutrients to the employees. Clarify the carbonhydrate oriented consumption. 

RECYCLING: Institutionalize reuse of the products via waste management and hybrid systems. 

TRANSPORTATION: Support proliferation of public transportation and the usage of alternative fuels. 

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT: Declare mobilization about energy efficiency and renewable energy. 

ENVIRONMENT: Exhibited attitudes are very important. 

EDUCATION: Continuously organize seminars. Popularize the usage of billboards in order to create awareness on consumers. 

As a consequence of these; it should be emphasized that a global mobilization is essential for the alternation of fossil fuels to energy. I wish clean energy to become prevalent in every levels institutionally. 

Burak Demirkollu
Yenilenebilir Enerji Solar Sistem Solar System Şirket Kültürü Fosil Yakıtlar Dünya'daki Gelişmeler Renewable Energy Fossil Fuels Yenilenebilir Enerji Çeşitleri Türkiye'deki Gelişmeler Renewable Energy Types Developments In Turkey

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