Reporting, is defined as reporting the result of a business process to the relevant people
Although changes may seen in the figures, aquaculture production is about 500 thousand tones in our...
As it always happens, another concept has started to be consumed by people nowadays
During the past 10 years, our lives and purchasing habits have changed with the developed technology
We are in such a period that the harms of fossil fuel types such as coal, oil, natural gas and nucle...
I want all of us to look over our past, present and future times at the moment...
Have you ever looked at someone or something and felt that you can make the world a better place?
The first mechanical equipments which utilize from water power has invented, steam power
I would like to share an article with you which I read it in the 2017 January issue of the Hatchery...
For the developing countries, development can be defined as; increasing capital stock
‘Let them eat some pasta as if they can’ t find any bread!‘
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