
Digitalized Minds in The Digitalization Process

Digitalized Minds in The Digitalization Process

During the past 10 years, our lives and purchasing habits have changed with the developed technology and mobile device effects. Thus, the knowledge era has become prominent and the lives of people and companies have seriously changed. 

Digitalization is a must in the current climate. As people and companies, our duty is to digitalize our minds in this digitalized world. 

There are many positive association of ideas about this concept. Keeping up with the present time, staying up to date and continuously following the digitalized world are the requirements from the viewpoint of people. Besides, featuring the brand according to the expectations of the public and thus increasing customer satisfaction and incorporating potential customers by attracting them in the meaning of digitalization. It became an itinerary for all of us. 

What are the contributions of ours as being brands? What is the awareness level, do we know or measure? Do our target audiences follow us? Is this new system useful for us? What do we do for digitalization? Do we take active roles or should we accommodate ourselves to this world with more creative studies? Are our target audiences satisfied with our brand? Are we preferrable enough depending upon the sector and environment? How often are our advertisements being published? Who suggests us to whom? All of these should be considered for digitalization... And at this point; the requirements should importantly be mentioned about. 

According to a research, programming methods of the companies are said to be examined one more time, as if they are compatible with the new system. Another requirement is to give importance to both perception, design and function quality. Thus, technology will be restructured for the benefit of the business world. Besides, the applications should be frequently updated and new versions of them should be uploaded. By sharing all of these information, it is aimed to make new applications compatible with existing systems of the companies and provide applicability for them. 

İdil Yengil
Marka Bilinci Brand Consciousness Dijitalleşme Digitalization Dijitalleşmenin Rolü The Role Of Digitalization

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